Monday, November 7, 2022


 Logic is the study of correct reasoning. This encompasses both formal and informal logic. The field of formal logic is the study of valid deductive inferences or of logical truths. It is a discipline that investigates the ways in which conclusions can be made from the assumptions. When used as a noun countable, the term "a logic" refers to a logical formal system that outlines the proof system. Formal logic differs from informal logic that is associated with the informal fallacies and critical thinking. argumentation theory. Although there isn't a general agreement as to what formal and informal logic is to be distinguished, one popular method of distinguishing them is based on whether arguments studied are presented in informal or formal languages. The role of logic is central in many fields such as philosophy, mathematics computer science, linguistics.Logic analyzes arguments, which consist of an array of premises that are paired with the conclusion. Conclusions and premises can be understood as sentences, or as statements. Their internal structure is what differentiates them from other types of statements.

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Lauren and Markie

Lauren Ash Morgan, born in 1981 and a member of SSC's Board of Directors since the year 2011 She was one of the co-artistic directors ...